DOUGLAS COUPLAND, Eleanor Rigby tersedia


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Liz Dunn is 42 years old, and lonely. Her house is like 'a spinster' s cell block' and she may r may not snore-there's been anybody to tell her. Then one day in 1997, whit the comet Hale Bop Burning bright in the blue-back sky, Liz receive an urgent phone cell asking her to visit a young man in hspital. All at once the loneliness that has come to define her is ripped bay this funny, smart, handsome young stranger, Jeremy. Her son.

Praise for Douglas Coupland :

Douglas Coupland has surely reserved his place at the top table of North America ficton. Independen on Sunday'

'Coupland's last four novel are so good and so istinctive that they seem to me to mark a genius seismic shift in the literary landscape.'Nicholas Blincoe, NewStatement


Judul: Douglas Coupand
Penulis: Eleanor Rigby
Penerbit: Random House of Canada
Edisi: Cetaa 1, 2004
Halaman: 249
Ukuran: 20 x13 cm
Sampul: Soft Cover
Bahasa: Ingris 
Kondisi: Buku Bekas Koleksi Pribadi
Lokasi: 823/Rig/d

Kode: Masukkan kode negara.
Telepon: Masukkan nomor telepon.

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