EMMA & MOMMY TALK TO GOD, Marianne Willliamson tersedia

EMMA & MOMMY TALK TO GOD, Marianne Willliamson

Rp 70.000

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Emma & Mommy Talk to God is a support for parents as well as children.

We have no more important job to do than remind the generations that follow us of the existence of God’s power, and of how, through prayer and forgiveness, we can experience His love in our daily lives. Such is the revolution of faith, which will heal our hearts and heal this world.


Judul: Emma & Mommy Talk to God
Penulis: Marianne Williamson
Penerbit: Harper Collins
Edisi: 1996
Halaman: 30
Ukuran: 28 x 21 x 1 cm
Sampul: Hard Cover
Bahasa: English
Kondisi: Buku Bekas Koleksi Pribadi
Lokasi: 000/Wil/e

Kode: Masukkan kode negara.
Telepon: Masukkan nomor telepon.

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