Dewey Decimal Classification tersedia

Dewey Decimal Classification

Rp 20.000
Rp 20.000
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The Dewey Decimal Classification is the oldest and most widely used classification system. In the United States it is used by a substantial majority of libraries, including nearly all public and school libraries. A majority of libraries in other English-speaking countries has adopted it. Through translations into Spanish, French, Norwegian, Hebrew, Thai, and other languages its use is widespread in other countries as well.


Judul: Dewey Decimal Classification
Penulis: Melvil Dewey
Penerbit: Forest Press
Edisi: 1979
Halaman: 618
Ukuran: 16 x 24 x 3.5 cm
Sampul: Hard Cover
Bahasa: English
Kondisi: Buku Bekas
Lokasi: 002/Dew/d

Kode: Masukkan kode negara.
Telepon: Masukkan nomor telepon.

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