Devastated by the death of his wife, Krishna comes to realise what he really wants to do, and makes a decision that will change his life forever.
Narayan wakes in me a sprig of gratitude, for he has offered me a second home. Without him I could never have known what it is like to be Indian Graham Greene.
Narayan's Humour and compassion come from a deep universal well, with the result that he has transformed his imaginary township of Malgudi into a bubbling parish of the world Observer.
an adyll as delicious as anything I have met in modern literature for a long time. The atmosphere and texture of happiness, and, above all, its elusiveness, have seldom been so perfectly transcribed.
Judul: The English Teacher
Penulis: R.K. Narayan
Penerbit: Vintage
Edisi: Cetakan 1, 2001
Halaman: 180
Ukuran: 20 x 13 cm
Sampul: Soft Cover
Bahasa: English
Kondisi: Buku Bekas Koleksi Pribadi
Lokasi: 890/Nar/e