MY LIFE SO FAR, Jane Fonda

MY LIFE SO FAR, Jane Fonda

"This book redefines autobiography. It's not just an autobiography. It's a journey"

-- Lord Puttnam

Jane Fonda is a unique figure of the twentieth century and her bestselling autobiography published to enormous critical acclaim, is both honest and compelling. In My Life So Far Fonda holds a mirror to her past from unconfident daughter of Hollywood aristocracy to Oscar winning actress from political protests against Vietnam War to revolutionising the fitness industry, from outspoken advocate of women's rights to a woman still struggling to accept herself. As she reflects and reconciles her tortured relationships with parents, we see our lives in hers. This is a brilliantly written, deeply moving book by an incomparable force.

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Judul: My Life So Far
Penulis: Jane Fonda
Penerbit: Random House
Edisi: 2006
Halaman: 599
Ukuran: 12.5 x 20 x 3.5 cm
Sampul: Soft Cover
Bahasa: English
Kondisi: Buku Bekas Koleksi Pribadi
Lokasi: 920/Fon/m/d15

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